Autoplan Insurance

Basic insurance and Enhanced Care

ICBC Basic Autoplan insurance is the mandatory coverage you need for a vehicle in B.C. It helps ensure that all people in British Columbia who own, lease and drive a motor vehicle here are protected with a basic level of coverage. Find out what's included in your Basic Autoplan insurance.

Medical costs, income replacement and more

Under Enhanced Care, every B.C. resident is entitled to Enhanced Accident Benefits that help with medical costs, wage loss and more if you're injured in a motor vehicle crash. These benefits are available to drivers, passengers, cyclists, or pedestrians – even if you’re found responsible​ (at fault) for the crash.

Enhanced Accident Benefits provide care and recovery benefits with no overall limit. This could include costs like chiropractic treatments, medication, physiotherapy, counselling, dental care, home support and more. And, if you're unable to work due to an injury from a crash, your Enhanced Accident Benefits will provide income replacement benefits based on 90 per cent of your net income, up to a maximum of $113,000 gross annual income. If your gross yearly earnings are more than $113,000​ per year, Income Top-Up coverage is available.

Find out more about getting medical care and treatment after a crash and Enhanced Care.

Basic Vehicle Damage coverage

Up to $200,000 of Basic Vehicle Damage coverage is included in your Basic insurance and covers repairs when the other driver is responsible – instead of recovering the cost of your vehicle repairs from the insurance policy of the driver responsible, your own insurance will cover you.

If your vehicle is worth over $200,000, talk to your Autoplan Broker about coverage options.

If you are responsible for a crash, your optional Collision coverage will pay for the repairs to your vehicle. If you don't have Collision coverage, you are responsible for the repairs.

Protection if you’re responsible for a crash​

Your Basic insurance includes $200,000 in Third Party Liability (TPL) coverage. Under Enhanced Care, the need to sue for accident benefits or vehicle damage against the driver responsible is removed, however, TPL continues to be important in certain circumstances (e.g. non-vehicle property damage or driving out of province) and can protect you in situations where the law permits the other driver to sue. If you want to increase the amount of coverage you have in the event you're responsible for a crash, you may want to consider Extended Third Party Liability coverage, an optional Autoplan product.

You can also add Unlisted Driver Protection (UDP) to your Basic Autoplan policy, which protects you from a one-time financial consequence if an unlisted driver causes a crash in your car. As long as no unlisted driver has caused a crash in your car, UDP is free. Talk to your Autoplan broker or find out more about Unlisted Driver Protection.

If the other driver doesn’t have enough insurance  ​

​Basic Underinsured Motorist Protection (UMP) covers you and members of your household for claims of up to $1 million per insured person in rare situations where you or members of your household are injured in a crash, but are not entitled to Enhanced Accident Benefits, and the responsible driver lacks sufficient coverage to pay damages awarded in a claim.

Protection where local laws can affect your claim

Inverse liability protection covers you in parts of Canada or the U.S. where local laws don't let you claim against the person who caused your crash. 

Your vehicle repair costs are covered up to 100 per cent (less if you were partly responsible for the crash). For example, if you were 25 per cent responsible, you'll receive 75 per cent of the cost of repairing your car.

Talk to your Autoplan broker

For more details on what Basic Autoplan covers, talk to your Autoplan broker or refer to the Autoplan insurance brochure that applies to you:


What could affect your Basic Autoplan coverage​

Here are some things you can do to help ensure your coverage stays valid:

  • Your vehicle must be rated correctly. It’s important that you tell your broker how you use your vehicle (your rate class), and who will be driving it most of the time.

  • If you have a claim, provide correct information.

  • Never drive if your driver’s licence is expired or suspended, and make sure that anyone who drives your vehicle has a valid driver's licence.

  • Don’t drive when you’re impaired by alcohol or drugs.

Remember, your Basic Autoplan insurance only covers you in Canada and the U.S.