What are you looking for?
- Report a claim
- Check claim details or add documents
- Your ICBC claims process
- Repair a vehicle
- Glass and windshield repairs
- If your vehicle is not repairable
- If you were in a crash as a cyclist or pedestrian
- Accessing treatment during your first 12 weeks of recovery
- Financial benefits to support your recovery
In this section
Report and view your claim
Report a claim online or by phone. Once you've reported a claim, you can sign in to view the details of your claim or add supporting documents such as receipts and forms.
Your ICBC claims process
From coverage to repairs, find information to help guide you through the claims process and get back on the road.
Vehicle repair and theft claims
Has your vehicle been damaged or stolen? We'll help you get it repaired or replaced as quickly as possible, and let you know your options for getting around without it.
When you've been injured in a crash
Learn about treatment and recovery options, settling your claim, and wage-loss assistance.
Crash responsibility
We carefully review the details of every crash to determine who is responsible, and to what degree. If you have any questions, we're here to help.
Disputes and appeals
Your experience matters to us. If you have concerns about your claim, we'll do whatever we can to make it right.
Enhanced Care
What you need to know about the care-based approach to auto insurance.