Autoplan Insurance
Cancel your insurance
Find out how to cancel an Autoplan policy, how we'll determine your refund, and what to expect if you are on a payment plan.
Our most important tip for cancelling your policy is to bring your licence plates to your broker - they are linked directly to your insurance.
How to cancel your insurance
To cancel your insurance, you’ll need to visit your Autoplan broker with:
Your licence plates (or police file number if the plates were lost or stolen), and
Your owner's certificate (insurance and registration). If the vehicle is jointly owned, both owners will need to be present.
The sooner you cancel your licence plates and insurance, the more you may get back if you're eligible for a refund. A cancellation fee may apply.
Note: if you are using a rental or substitute vehicle while your vehicle is in the repair shop, do not cancel your insurance until the rental is returned.
Refund amounts
The refund amount depends on:
The time remaining on the policy term
Any outstanding debt, and
Any non-refundable fees (for example, transfer of ownership fees, new licence plate fee or payment plan enrolment fee).
Payment plan customers
If you're on a payment plan, try to cancel at least one day before your payment is due. Depending on your situation, there may be an additional withdrawal from your account to cover any missed payments or non-refundable fees. Your Autoplan broker can answer any questions you have about your cancellation.