Glass and windshield claims
Has your windshield been damaged or chipped? ICBC will assist you in processing a windshield repair or glass replacement claim, quickly and easily.
Am I covered?
You are covered if you have ICBC Comprehensive coverage. What's more, you may be able to have your windshield repaired for free, without paying a deductible.
Where do I go?
You can go directly to an ICBC-approved Glass Repair Program facility. If there are no Glass Repair Program facilities in your area, please call us to report your claim.
Why choose an ICBC-approved glass repair program facility?
If you choose to take your vehicle to an ICBC-approved glass repair program facility, the facility:
Can initiate and process your claim
Repairs the windshield, if applicable
Replaces the windshield, if required, ensuring all parts are installed and labour operations are performed
Invoices ICBC directly for the repairs
Collects the deductible and any applicable taxes from you, if applicable
Ensures that the claim form is signed, and
Provides a limited glass replacement warranty.
If you choose to take your vehicle to a non-ICBC accredited supplier, you will have to:
Report the claim to ICBC directly to obtain a glass claim number
Pay the facility in full for the repairs
Take photos of the damage, and glass replacement
Submit the photos, the repair invoice, including parts and services from the facility's supplier to ICBC via [email protected] for reimbursement consideration.
The Glass Claims Information Sheet provides more details on the differences between ICBC-approved facilities and non-suppliers and how to seek reimbursement.
Can my windshield be repaired?
Comprehensive coverage includes free windshield repairs when:
The damage is smaller than a loonie.

The repair leaves no residual damage greater than ¼ inch in the driver's line of vision.

The damage isn't a long crack.

There isn't pre-existing damage (such as a long crack) that doesn't qualify for repair.

Please note: These are general guidelines only. Consult your chosen glass repair facility to determine if the damage is safe and appropriate to repair (rather than replace) your windshield in accordance with the BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations.
Payments and deductibles
If you go to an ICBC-approved Glass Repair Program facility, the facility will invoice ICBC directly. You won’t have to pay a deductible to have your windshield repaired unless you need a replacement for a damaged windshield that is deemed unsafe and not appropriate to repair. The deductible is the amount you have to pay towards work performed before your insurance covers the rest. Please see the Comprehensive coverage on your vehicle's policy to see the deductible you purchased.
For more information
Please call a Glass Repair Program facility or contact us.