Driver licensing

Choosing your driving school

When choosing a school, confirm that it has been licensed by ICBC. Check that each instructor has a professional driver training instructor licence.

To ensure you get the right training for your needs, we suggest you discuss the course outline offered by the driving school before making your choice. In addition, ask the school to provide you with a written copy of its statement of services and its policy statement.

These documents explain details like:

  • hours and type of training

  • fees

  • refunds

  • a receipt as proof of payment, and

  • a permission form allowing them to use your driver licence information to book your road test (if the school books road test appointments).

All of these details will help you later if you're not happy with the training or service received. Please note that all driving schools and instructors are expected to ​comply with the Driving School Code of Conduct.

Protect yourself f​rom fraud

When you're first issued a driver's licence, you will be asked to provide ICBC with a security keyword of your choice. To protect yourself from fraud, don't share this keyword with anyone, including your driving school. You should only give it to ICBC staff.