Driver licensing

90-day administrative driving prohibition

ICBC provides services related to administrative driving prohibitions on behalf of RoadSafetyBC

What's an administrative driving prohibition?

An administrative driving prohibition is a 90-day driving prohibition issued to impaired drivers under the Motor Vehicle Act. It is separate from any Criminal Code charges that may result from the same incident. These prohibitions are issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles. For more information, see the administrative driving prohibitions.

How to get your driver’s licence back

If you have reached the end of your prohibition, you can reapply for your driver’s licence by following these steps:

  1. Pay any outstanding fines or debts you owe to the court or government.

  2. Pay any amounts owed to ICBC, such as a Driver Risk Premium.

  3. Book an appointment to visit an ICBC driver licensing office and bring your required ID.

  4. Pay a $31 short-term driver’s licence fee and $250 reinstatement fee.

You may be able to apply online for a driving prohibition review if you have an immediate roadside prohibition (three-, seven-, 30- or 90-day), an administrative driving prohibition (ADP) or an unlicensed driver prohibition.​​

Additional requirements

There may be additional requirements before you can get your licence back. For more information, visit RoadSafetyBC website or contact us​.

Driving while prohibited

There are more penalties if you are caught driving while prohibited. Driving while under a prohibition is a criminal offence.

  • On a first conviction, there is a fine from $500 to $2,000 and the possibility of imprisonment for up to six months, or both.

  • On a subsequent conviction, regardless of when the contravention occurred, the fine is $500 to $2,000 and 14 days to one year of imprisonment.

  • Your vehicle will be impounded. Even if the vehicle you’re caught driving is not yours, it will be impounded. Towing and storing costs will be charged to the owner.

  • You could be prohibited from driving for another 12 months.