About ICBC
Accessibility principles and pillars
ICBC’s Accessibility Committee developed our accessibility principles and pillars based on employee feedback and an environmental audit. These principles and pillars began guiding ICBC’s work in September 2023.
To give feedback, please contact us at [email protected]
Accessibility principles
Core to the principle of accessibility for ICBC are strategies or conditions that enable the full and equitable participation of all community members. ICBC’s accessibility work is guided by the following principles:
Inclusion: We will strive to create a sense of belonging by ensuring equitable access for all employees and customers.
Adaptability: We will encourage flexibility and resilience in a change process that creates a more inclusive and accessible culture at ICBC.
Diversity: We recognize that ability and disability come in many different forms and that conflicting accessibility needs may require multiple options for each accommodation.
Collaboration: We will work collaboratively to build inclusion across departments and divisions with subject matter experts and those with lived experience.
Self-determination: We recognize that self-determination is fundamental for disabled people.
Universal design: We will encourage universal design principles in all our facilities so that our space can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all.