Road safety


Speeding is the top contributing factor to car crash fatalities in B.C. The faster you go, the longer it takes to stop – and the more dangerous a crash can be.

So slow down and give yourself extra time to get to your destination. It’s not worth the risk to yourself, and to others.

Small changes in speed can make a big difference

You need time to see and react before your brakes take effect and slow you down. Reducing your speed gives you more reaction time and less braking distance is required. The faster you're driving, the more time and power your car needs to stop.

Tips to stay safe

  • Set realistic travel times and be mindful of rush hours and delays.

  • Don’t feel pressured to drive above the speed limit. If someone is driving close behind you, keep right and safely let others pass.

  • Be extra careful when driving in busy areas - slow down and look for other road users like pedestrians, cyclists, and children in school or playground zones.

  • Maintain a safe following distance. In good weather, stay at least two seconds behind the vehicle ahead of you or three seconds on a highway. In bad weather, increase your following distance to four seconds.


The cost of speeding

If you’re caught speeding, you end up paying in a number of ways – and the cost increases the more you speed.

Fines, tickets and penalty points

Every ticket for speeding includes three driver ​​penalty points and a fine of $138 to $483. The cost increases the more you are over the speed limit. ​

If you have one or more excessive speeding tickets, you pay a driver risk premium based on convictions over a three-year period. This premium is paid on top of the cost of insurance and any other fines.​

Vehicle impoundment

If​ going more than 40 km per hour over the posted speed limit, police can immediately impound your vehicle for seven days. This can escalate to 30 or 60 days for repeat offenders. You're then required to pay the vehicle towing and storage fees to get your vehicle back.


Besides the tickets, fines, point and premiums, you may also pay more for gas. Most vehicles operate most fuel efficiently when travelling between 50 and 80km per hour and when maintaining a consistent speed. When you increase your speed above this range or vary your speed too frequently, your fuel consumption goes up.​​​

Quick links

​Fines and points for B.C. traffic offences