Road safety
Intersection Safety Camera program
Helping to change dangerous driver behaviours at high-risk intersections across B.C.
Most crashes on B.C. roads occur at intersections.
To help reduce the number of crashes at intersections, the police, the provincial government and ICBC operate the Intersection Safety Camera (ISC) program. There are 140 cameras in 26 communities across the province to deter drivers from running a red light. The cameras are placed at intersections based on the type, severity, and frequency of crashes at that location.
The goal of the ISC program is to prevent crashes and injuries and to save lives. Near each location, prominent signs warn approaching drivers about the enhanced intersection enforcement. With awareness, you can help reduce the risk of crashing.
Some of the ISCs are upgraded to identify and ticket the fastest drivers. Thirty-five of the existing cameras are activated to enforce drivers travelling at unsafe speeds at these intersections on a red, yellow or green light.
Safety camera type:

Red Light

Speed & Red Light
ISC violation ticket
A ticket is issued only if there is clear evidence the vehicle ran a red light or entered an intersection well over the posted limit - on a red, yellow or green light. If you've received a ticket for running a red light or speeding through an intersection, find out how to pay or dispute the ticket.
If an ISC violation ticket is neither paid nor disputed, an Enforcement Officer with the Road Safety Enforcement Program will physically serve the ticket at the residential address of the vehicle's registered owner. Certified Enforcement Officers can provide Government of British Columbia photo identification upon request.
The B.C. government will transfer 100 percent of net revenue from traffic violations to municipalities that are directly responsible for paying for policing. This provides municipalities additional funds to support community safety and address local policing priorities.
ISCs upgraded for speed
Route 11 at Lonzo Road
Kingsway at Boundary Road
Kingsway at Royal Oak Avenue
Willingdon at Deer Lake
Barnet Highway at Mariner Way
Nordel Way at 84th Avenue
Harvey Avenue at Cooper Road
Highway 97 North at Banks Road
200th Street at 64th Avenue
Route 10 at Fraser Highway
Lougheed Highway at 207th Avenue
Island Highway at Aulds Road
Marine Drive at Capilano Road
Lougheed Highway at Old Dewdney Trunk Road