Vehicle registration
Veteran plates

In recognition our Canadian veterans, we’ve created a special plate to honour your service.
You are eligible to apply for veteran licence plates if you own or lease an eligible vehicle, and meet one of the following:
Canadian Armed Forces Regular and Reserve Members
Honourably Discharged or currently serving members having successfully completed both basic training (BMQ) and having received a Military Occupational Classification (MOC) or or a Military Occupational structure Identification (MOSID)
Honourably Discharged Canadian Armed Forces Members
Second World War, Korean War, Gulf War, Balkan War 1990s, Afghanistan War, or a UN or NATO Peacekeeping Mission(s) and members of NORAD 1958 to 1970
Allied Veterans
Honourably Discharged Allied Force Members having served in UN or NATO Mission(s) allied with Canadian Armed Forces and members of the United States Armed Forces who served in Canada with NORAD 1958 to 1970
British Commonwealth of Nations Veterans
Honourably Discharged Members of a British Commonwealth of Nations Armed Forces who qualify similarly to Canadian Armed Forces Members
Police & Correctional Services Canada members who served a UN/NATO Mission
Municipal Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police & Correctional Services Canada members who served under the Command of the Canadian Armed Forces in a UN or NATO Mission and have been Honourably Discharged from the specified UN/NATO Mission(s)
Types of vehicles that can have veteran plates
Veteran plates can be used on:
Most passenger vehicles such as SUVs, station wagons, sedans, and convertibles
Most trucks, vans, or buses with a GVW of 5,500 kg or less
Eligible vehicles with more than one owner or lessee if at least one of the owners or lessees has been approved for veteran plates
Veteran plates can't be used on:
Trucks, vans, or buses with a GVW greater than 5,500 kg
Antique vehicles with vintage licence plates
Collector vehicles licensed with collector licence plates
Vehicles with conditional licences, except when the vehicle is owned by a person who has lost a limb through active service in the Canadian Armed Forces or a veteran who served in the Canadian Armed Forces and is receiving a 100 per cent disability pension
Farm tractors, special fleet vehicles and industrial vehicles
ATVs, golf carts, snowmobiles.
Company-owned vehicles or vehicles owned by an organization, even when driven exclusively by a veteran
Applying for veteran plates
1. Complete an application form
Other places you can find the application form:
Any Autoplan broker
2. Attach your proof of service documents
Applicants must choose one category applicable to their Service. Check which proof of service documents you require and attach them as photocopies to your application form.
Discharged Canadian Armed Forces Members
Discharge Certificate or Certificate of Service or
NDI 75 Record of Service Card (both sides) or
CF54 if 10 or more years of Military Service or
DND 2279 or CF707 if less than 10 years of Military Service or
Library & Archives Canada, Service Files 1919 to 1997
Current Serving Members of Canadian Armed Forces
NDI 10 or NDI 20 (both sides) and all pages of Members Personal Record Resume (MPRR)
British Commonwealth of Nations Veterans
Military Certificate of Service stating Enlistment and Discharge dates and Honourable Discharge
Allied Veterans
Military Certificate of Service stating Enlistment and Discharge dates and Honourable Discharge and official documentary certification of service in a UN or NATO Mission(s) allied with Canadian Armed Forces
Municipal Police, RCMP and Correctional Services Canada Members with UN/NATO Service under command of Canadian Armed Forces
Official documentary certification from the Officer-In-Charge of Human Resources stating enlistment and discharge dates of the Member who served under Canadian Armed Forces Command in a UN or NATO Mission(s) and that they were Honourably Discharged from the specified UN or NATO Mission(s)
3. Payment
A $10 application charge, cheque, or money order made out to the BC Veterans Commemorative Association, covers the administrative costs associated with processing the application form.
Please don't send cash when submitting your application.
4. Submit your application
Mail the following to the B.C. Veteran's Commemorative Association address on the plate application form:
Completed application form
Proof of service documents, and
$10 cheque or money order
The BCVCA will mail your approved application form back to you within about three weeks.
Once you've been approved for veteran plates you do not need to be re-approved if you wish to obtain additional veteran plates in the future.
Ordering and picking-up veteran plates
1. Order plates at your Autoplan broker
After you receive an approved application form back from the BCVCA, bring the following to your Autoplan broker to order your plates:
Original approved veteran plate application form
Your insurance papers
If you would like veteran plates for more than one eligible vehicle that you own or lease then bring the owner's certificate of insurance, and vehicle registration for each vehicle.
After placing the order, your broker will return the original application form because you will need it if you wish to order additional veteran plates in the future.
2. Pick-up your new veteran plates and return your current plates
It will take about four weeks for the plates to arrive at your broker, so they will contact you when the plates arrive.
When you go to pick up your plates, bring the following items so your broker can process the plate replacement:
Current licence plates
Your insurance papers
If you've ordered veteran plates for more than one eligible vehicle, be sure to bring the plates and your insurance papers for each vehicle.
There's a $10 application charge from the BC Veterans Commemorative Association to cover the administrative costs associated with processing the application form.
Veteran plates are free when you surrender your current documents and regular plates to your Autoplan broker. If a plate has been lost or stolen, you'll need to pay an $18 plate replacement fee.
For new vehicle purchases, and lease vehicle buy-outs or trade-ins, you'll need to purchase new regular plates for a cost of $18 before you can get veteran plates for the vehicle.
Ordering additional veteran plates
Once you've been approved for veteran plates by the BC Veterans Commemorative Association you do not need to be re-approved if you wish to purchase additional veteran plates in the future. Just take your original approved application form to your broker's office and they will order the additional veteran plates for you.
If you've previously purchased veteran plates but are unable to locate your original approved application form your broker will contact ICBC to confirm your eligibility.
Returning leased vehicles with veteran plates
If you return a vehicle that you're leasing, you'll need to surrender the veteran plates to your Autoplan broker and cancel your Autoplan policy.
The Autoplan broker will then issue new regular plates for the vehicle and order new veteran plates. Your broker will contact you when the new plates have arrived.
Replacing lost, stolen or damaged veteran plates
If one or more of your veteran plates are lost, stolen or damaged, you'll need to turn in any remaining plates to your Autoplan broker and pay an $18 plate replacement fee to obtain regular plates. Your Autoplan broker will order new veteran plates and contact you when the plates arrive. These new veteran plates will be provided free of charge.
For more information on veteran plate eligibility, call B.C. Veterans Commemorative Association at 604-770-3498 or visit