Vehicle registration
Prorate plates for commercial vehicles
Prorate plates are licence plates issued for commercial vehicles that regularly travel into two or more jurisdictions in Canada or the U.S. The plates exempt carriers from having to buy trip permits when they enter a jurisdiction.

At ICBC, we administer the provisions of the International Registration Plan (IRP) through Prorate Licensing services. We provide insurance and prorate plates for commercial vehicles in B.C. For full details about prorate plates, download the B.C. International Registration Plan (IRP) Manual .
Vehicles that need prorate plates
Person or firms (i.e. carriers) operating commercial vehicle(s) that:
travel into two or more IRP jurisdictions (U.S. or Canada) and transport passengers for hire, or
are designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property.
How to get prorate plates
1. Apply for a prorate account. You will need to provide the following information and submit all the completed documents to the ICBC Prorate Office.
Register with the Registrar of Companies in Victoria, B.C. (if applying under a company or firm name).
Have a National Safety Code (NSC) Certificate. For more information, call NSC at 250-952-0576
Obtain a B.C. International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) number for operating vehicles or vehicle/trailer combinations over 11,800 kilograms, or vehicles that have three axles (regardless of weight). Please note that it can take up to 21 days to receive your IFTA credentials from the Ministry of Finance. For more information, see the International Fuel Tax Agreement, call IFTA at 250-387-9686 or email [email protected]
Prorate Vehicle Application
, along with a copy of the bill of sale or lease agreement for each vehicle
2. With the prorate account, contact an Autoplan broker to obtain your insurance and prorate plates. A Prorate Optional Coverage Questionnaire and supporting documents will be required to obtain a new quote for Optional ICBC insurance and may be requested for existing prorate renewals.
How long does it take to get my plates?
It takes a minimum of five business days to process applications for new prorate accounts. Once the account is set up, you can get a prorate plate within the same day.
How much do prorate plates cost?
The cost of prorate plates vary. For full details, see the B.C. International Registration Plan (IRP) Manual .
Apportioned Information Management System (AIMS)
ICBC’s Prorate Licensing Office has moved to a new web-based application called AIMS. The new prorate system updates information in real time and complies with tax regulations and jurisdictional requirements for the collection of fees for registered carriers under the International Registration Plan (IRP). IRP Prorate Carriers with access to AIMs can update account information, lookup transactions, post payments, and upload cab cards to their mobile devices.
If you are an IRP Prorate Carrier who requires access to AIMS, please email [email protected].
Set up direct deposit
Sign up for direct deposit to receive payments more quickly.
AIMs training resources
The following courses are best taken in the order presented:
There is also a user guide within AIMS for those with login access and the AIMS FAQS for IRP Prorate Carriers (pdf).
Contact information
ICBC Prorate Office
B.C. Lower Mainland: 604-443-4450
Toll-free in B.C.: 1-800-665-4336
Fax: 604-443-4451
Email: [email protected]
Office hours
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Mailing address
ICBC Prorate Office
PO Box 7500, Stn Terminal
Vancouver, BC
V6B 5R9
Other useful contacts
Commercial Transport Program: 1-800-559-9688
Consumer Taxation Branch: 1-877-388-4440 (toll free)
National Safety Code (NSC): 250-952-0576
Passenger Transportation Branch: 250-356-0528