Have your say: B.C. explores new licence plate options
December 11, 2023

ICBC and the Province of British Columbia are asking for your thoughts on expanding the specialty licence plate program in the province through a new online survey.
Specialty licence plates often feature unique graphics or images that can represent different organizations or causes. British Columbia has a limited number of specialty plates which include the Veterans commemorative plate and BC Parks plates. Right now, you can support BC Parks by picking one of three licence plate designs and paying an annual fee, with revenue helping to maintain provincial parks.
“Both ICBC and government regularly get requests from people asking whether there are licence plate options beyond what we currently offer,” said David Wong, president and CEO of ICBC. “Hearing directly from British Columbians on this topic is an important first step on a longer journey toward a wider variety of licence plates on our roads.
The possibility of expanding the program to include non-profit organizations and charities is being explored. Proceeds from these specialty plate purchases would be directed toward the sponsoring organization.
“We’ve seen the popularity of specialty plates in other jurisdictions and how British Columbians have embraced BC Parks plates,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “The time is right to look at expanding the program and I encourage all motorists to take the survey today.”
British Columbians are invited to share their thoughts by participating in a survey at: The survey will be open for eight weeks, closing on January 31, 2024.
Information gathered throughout the engagement will help inform the potential expansion of B.C.’s specialty licence plate program.