About ICBC
Company information
At ICBC, our job is making sure the auto insurance system works for all road users. We make decisions with every British Columbian in mind and support drivers both on and off the road. Working closely with our staff, stakeholders and partners, we're committed to a safer B.C. and an insurance system we can be proud of — now and in the future.
Annual report
Read a comprehensive report about ICBC's activities throughout the preceding year.
Year in Review
Explore our easy-to-read Year in Review, which highlights last year's initiatives and results.
Moving Together 2031
The objective of our corporate strategy, Moving Together 2031, is to keep improving ICBC to best serve everyone who lives in B.C.
Service Plans
We have a plan to fulfill responsibilities for providing auto insurance, driver licensing, and vehicle registration and licensing services.
Board of Directors
Read the biographies of the directors on the board.
Our executive team
Read the biographies of our executive team.
Corporate Governance
ICBC is governed by a board of directors, CEO and management team. They are guided by the public sector guidelines and must act in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation.
BCUC regulation of ICBC
The B.C. Utilities Commission is the independent regulator for ICBC and is responsible for approving rates for Basic insurance.
Statutes and regulations
The Revised Statutes and Consolidated Regulations of B.C. that apply to ICBC are provided courtesy of the Queen's Printer.
Rate comparisons report
Learn how our auto insurance rates compare to other provinces.
Public Interest Disclosure Act report
The Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) provides a legal way to report wrongdoing in B.C.’s public sector.
Pay Transparency Act
Learn more about Pay Transparency at ICBC.
Supply chain transparency report
Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act came into effect in 2024. Our supply chain report covers the activities taken by ICBC over the fiscal year to identify, prevent and reduce risks related to forced or child labour in our supply chains.