About ICBC

Service Plans

ICBC's Service Plan provides an overview of our three-year plan to fulfill responsibilities for providing auto insurance, driver licensing, and vehicle registration and licensing services.

This Service Plan discusses our corporate strategy and sets out our performance accountability to the public by describing:

  • Where we envision ourselves in three years.

  • The goals and strategies we need to achieve and realize this vision.

  • How we define and measure progress on achieving these goals.

Goals, strategies and performance

ICBC's corporate strategy focuses on five key goals:

  • Customer-driven support

  • Affordable rates

  • Safer and sustainable mobility

  • Meaningful Reconciliation

  • Engaged and empowered employees

For each goal, specific strategies are established to guide the corporation. Measures are defined and targets are set to enable performance to be measured for these goals.

View the​ 2025/26–2027/28 Service Plan pdf

Note: ICBC’s current Head Office building requires significant renovation work to ensure it continues to be a safe and functional place for employees. After considering potential cost and whether the current location would continue to meet ICBC’s long-term goals, leasing a new Head Office building was selected as a more viable option. This Service Plan denotes a capital expenditure to meet this major capital project.

View the capital project disclosure report pdf
