About ICBC

Statistics and data

Find the latest statistics, open data sets and interactive tools.​

Statistics can also be viewed on ICBC's Tableau profile​.

Data availability and background information pdf

Quick statistics

Interactive tools

Crash maps by region

Crash maps involving

Open data sets

Use multiple filters to view and extract all or a portion of the data.

Fatal victims

Interactive tools

Open data sets

Quick statistics

Quick statistics

Interactive tools

Open data sets

Use multiple filters to view and extract all or a portion of the data.

​Interactive tools

Open data sets

Use multiple filters to view and extract all or a portion of the data.​

Evaluation reports of the Graduated Licensing Program

All data and information here is made available under ICBC’s Open Data Licence. By using this data, you are accepting the terms of this licence.

If you have any questions about the data, please email [email protected].

Useful links