Summer CounterAttack roadchecks underway
July 29, 2023

With the Canada Day long weekend just around the corner, ICBC and police are urging drivers to prioritize safety by planning ahead if their summer activities involve alcohol.
The devastating impact of impaired driving cannot be ignored. An average of 1,400 people are injured in 2,362 impaired driving related crashes in B.C. every year.*
Starting this weekend, police will be ramping up enforcement, looking for impaired drivers at CounterAttack roadchecks throughout the province.
No matter where you are this summer: if you drink, don't drive – arrange a designated driver, call a taxi or rideshare, or take transit. Together we can make our roads safer for everyone.
ICBC has led impaired driving education campaigns and funded CounterAttack enhanced police enforcement for over 40 years. Learn more facts and tips in ICBC's infographic.
Chief Constable Neil Dubord, Chair of the BC Association of Chiefs of Police, Traffic Safety Committee
“Today, we launch a crucial campaign to protect our communities during the summer season. The summer Counterattack Campaign is an important initiative to raise awareness and promote responsible choices to combat the dangers of drinking and driving. Choose responsibility – not regret, and plan how you will get home safely."
Shabnem Afzal, ICBC's director of road safety
“Impaired driving has a devastating impact on families and communities, yet some people are still willing to take the risk. There's no excuse to get behind the wheel after drinking. Every time someone is injured or killed due to impaired driving, it's preventable."
Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General
“If you're planning your weekend celebrations, night out, or even a day at the beach and it involves alcohol, be sure to also plan how you're getting home. The key to preventing impaired driving is planning ahead. Save lives – take a taxi, ride share, ride transit, or arrange a designated driver."
Canada Day statistics**
Each year on Canada Day, 176 people are injured in 605 crashes in B.C.
Each year on Canada Day, 122 people are injured in 354 crashes in the Lower Mainland.
Each year on Canada Day, 23 people are injured in 89 crashes on Vancouver Island.
Each year on Canada Day, 23 people are injured in 115 crashes in the Southern Interior.
Each year on Canada Day, six people are injured in 35 crashes in the North Central region.
Regional impaired statistics*
On average, 16 people are killed and 598 injured in 1,081 impaired driving related crashes in the Lower Mainland every year.
On average, 11 people are killed and 303 injured in 508 impaired driving related crashes on Vancouver Island every year.
On average, 24 people are killed and 344 injured in 553 impaired driving related crashes in the Southern Interior every year.
On average, 14 people are killed and 154 injured in 219 impaired driving related crashes in North Central B.C. every year.
*Injuries and crashes are police data, five-year average 2018 to 2022. Fatal victim counts are police data, five-year average 2017 to 2021. Impaired is defined to include alcohol, illicit drugs and medicines.
**Canada Day is calculated from 00:00 to midnight and includes incidents where the time was not reported. Based on five year average. Injured victim and crash data from ICBC data (2018 to 2022) and fatal victims from police data (2017 to 2021).