ICBC unveils new road safety school resources
February 25, 2020

As part of ICBC's commitment to promoting a safe driving culture in B.C., ICBC has developed new road safety learning resources to help teachers give children and young adults the foundation they need to stay safe.
Designed for students from preschool to grade 10, teachers can now download road safety resources for free at The material is divided by grade level, and each grade has a teachers' manual and handout booklet for students.
"I'm impressed with all the materials available to us," said David Evans, teacher, South Island Distance Education. "There are activities and worksheets for all grade levels and ties back to the new learning standards. Thank you for helping us improve ways to be safer in our community."
"Whether it's learning how to safely cross the road, or understanding the rules of a four-way stop, road safety is important for all British Columbians," said Lindsay Matthews, ICBC's vice-president of public affairs and driver licensing. "As part of our commitment to promoting a safe driving culture in B.C., we've developed these road safety resources to help give children and young adults the tools they need to stay safe, now and in the future."
The new material is downloadable, searchable and easily printable in its PDF format. The redesigned school materials align with the Ministry of Education's new curriculum guidelines, which include:
incorporating Core Competencies, Big Ideas, and Learning Standards through the Know-Do-Understand model
focusing on personal safety, personal awareness, and personal/social responsibility
integrating the First Peoples Principles of Learning perspectives
Learn more about these resources available to educators at