Road safety

Alcohol-impaired driving

If your activities involve drinking, plan ahead for a safe ride home. 

When you drive impaired, you not only risk your life but the lives of others on the road.​ There's never an excuse for driving impaired - we can all do our part to create safer roads.

Decide how to get home responsibly​ before you go out

Of fatal crashes, 21% involve impaired driving. That means every year in B.C., 63 people die in crashes involving impaired​ driving.

Police across the province look for impaired drivers at CounterAttack roadchecks during summer and winter. ICBC supports enforcement activities such as roadchecks to help make our roads safer for everyone.

Tips to get home safely​​

  • Take a taxi or ride-hailing service. Leave your car at home.

  • Take transit. Plan your routes before you go so you know how to get home safely.

  • Use a designated driver. ​Choose a driver who will stay sober to get you home safely.​

The cost ​of impaired driving

B.C. has the toughest drinking and driving laws in Canada. If you’re caught driving impaired, you could face these penalties:

You may also have to pay a driver risk premium, on top of your insurance.

If you crash while driving impaired, you're likely in breach of your insurance policy. That means you could be personally responsible for 100 percent of the costs if you damage someone else's property or injure them.

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