Road safety
Road safety speaker
Nolan Barnes
Topics: choices and consequences of impaired driving, alternatives to get home safely, overcoming adversity and succeeding in life after a traumatic injury
Nolan Barnes was injured in a single motor vehicle collision in 2010, leaving him paraplegic. This pivotal moment in Nolan’s life has propelled him to inspire others and achieve greatness. He overcame his injury to become a world champion water skier, business owner, motivational speaker and advocate against impaired driving.
Audience: Suitable for Grade 11 and 12 students (available for tours only)
Cost: ICBC will sponsor $600 for a one-hour presentation
Presentation options:
In person
Pre-recorded streaming video presentation available for a two-week period, following by a virtual Q&A session
Booking information
Call 306-371-4850 or email Nolan Barnes.