Our corporate strategy
Moving Together 2031
Every few years, ICBC updates our corporate strategy, to make sure we're always headed in the right direction.
Moving Together 2031 covers the six-year period from April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2031.* We started by identifying the top trends and risks that could affect the work we do, and looking for opportunities to provide more value to everyone in B.C. Finally, we designed clear goals to help guide the efforts of all our employees across the province.
The overall objective? To keep improving ICBC to best serve everyone who lives in B.C.
* Aligning with ICBC's fiscal year, which starts April 1.
Trends and risks
First we looked at the trends and risks that will have the biggest influence on our work.

B.C.'s growing population means increasing demand our services.

More drivers, cyclists and other alternate transportation users may mean more congestion and crashes.

Climate change is a growing priority, because there are more cars on the roads.
Other important factors include watching out for changes in the economy, taking meaningful action towards Reconciliation, and the ever-present need to hire and retain great employees.
Our opportunities
These trends helped us identify our main opportunities for making life in B.C. even better.
Improving how we deliver services to meet the needs of our growing province
Keeping rates affordable
Making our roads safer and more sustainable
Five goals
Based on these insights, we established five core goals to guide our work. We created specific strategies and outcomes we're aiming to achieve, along with how to measure success.
Customer-driven support
The goal: Make sure Enhanced Care auto insurance provides exceptional care for everyone who needs it.
How we achieve it: Having the tools and resources in place to provide responsive inclusive and high-quality service and support.
Affordable rates
The goal: Keep providing affordable auto insurance.
How we achieve it: Managing claims costs effectively to keep prices stable.
Safer and sustainable mobility
The goal: Address the increasing number of cars, bikes and other vehicles to keep our roads safe and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.
How we achieve it: Encouraging customers to drive less, which will also reduce the number of crashes.
Meaningful reconciliation
The goal: Continue to acknowledge our role as a Crown corporation and actively support Indigenous Peoples.
How we achieve it: Considering the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples across everything we do.
Engaged and empowered employees
The goal: Create an environment where people are excited to work for ICBC and are united behind our goals.
How we achieve it: Supporting employees with the tools and resources they need to do their best work.
Want to learn more?
Read more about our corporate strategy 2026 to 2031 (fiscal years).
Or see our latest Service Plan to learn more about our priorities for the next few years.