Driver training

​​​​​​​Become a driver certification facility

Interested in certifying drivers? As a driver certification facility, you have the authority to assess drivers under your training program. Drivers who are certified can receive an exemption from testing by an ICBC driver examiner.

Having a business relationship with ICBC

As a driver certification facility, you enter into a written agreement with ICBC to certify drivers. This is an important role and business relationship because you are helping ICBC with its goal to put safe drivers on the road.

The written agreement outlines the program requirements and the standards for eligibility (i.e., instructor qualification, requisites of trainees), driver assessments, and course curriculum.

Getting started

Before you apply, start by learning about the requirements for the type of certification you are interested in:

Steps to becoming a facility

Contact us to request an application package be mailed to you.

Once you are familiar with the requirements of the driver certification program you'd like to offer, follow these steps:

Complete the application package

Commercial vehicle package — it includes:

  • written agreement with ICBC

  • office and classroom list

  • personnel list

  • driving inspector contact list

  • assessment procedures manual

  • Division 27 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations.

Motorcycle skills package — it includes:

  • written agreement with ICBC

  • course approval guide

  • office and classroom list

  • personnel list

  • Motorcycle Skills Student Evaluation form

  • driving inspector contact list

  • assessment procedures manual

  • Division 27 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations.

Prepare a course curriculum

You will need to prepare a course curriculum and include it with your application.

Your curriculum must include the subjects listed in Schedule C–Curriculum Standards of these agreements:

Conduct your pilot course

Once your application and curriculum are approved, you will receive interim approval to conduct a pilot course.

A pilot course is an opportunity for you to try out your course with actual students. One of our driving school inspectors will provide comments and may give suggestions to improve your course.

After the pilot course evaluation, you will receive a signed copy of the Driver Certification Facility Agreement which gives you authority to train and assess drivers.