Driver training

​​​​​​​​​​​Approving a driver certification instructor

ICBC–authorized driver certification facilities must use qualified instructors to train drivers enrolled in their program. Learn how to apply for instructor approval under the driver certification program.

Getting started

A driver certification instructor needs to meet these basic requirements:

​​​​Air brake instructors must:

  • Hold or have held a valid B.C. driver's licence with an air brake endorsement

  • Hold a valid Air Brake Instructor's Certificate

  • Have commercial driving and instructional experience acceptable to ICBC

  • Have a driving record acceptable to ICBC, and

  • Maintain knowledge and skills through a combination of instruction and refresher training.

Motorcycle instructors must:​​

  • Hold a valid Class 6 BC driver's licence

  • Hold a Class 6 driver training instructor's licence with the appropriate practical and/or theory designations, and

  • Maintain knowledge and skills through a combination of instruction and refresher training.

Steps to approve a driver certification instructor

Submit your request

Submit your request in writing and include the instructor's proof of qualifications.

If you wish, you can send us your application by email.

Get your approval letter

If your instructor meets the requirements, we will send you an approval letter — when you receive it, your instructor can begin training drivers at your facility for the approved designation.​​