Questions about debt
Last updated: March 2025
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Monthly payments
What happens if I miss a monthly payment on my payment plan?
As with any financial agreement, if there aren't sufficient funds in your account to make your monthly payment, a service charge will be added to your payment. We will then make a second attempt to withdraw the payment — along with the service charge — three business days later. If the amount is still outstanding the following month, we will attempt to withdraw two payments plus the service charge. If this third attempt is unsuccessful, then you'll have defaulted on your payment plan and be billed for the balance remaining (which includes the overdue amount) as well as an additional service charge. Interest is also added after 30 days. You'll still have insurance — but you'll no longer be on the payment plan.
If you continue to have an outstanding balance due on your account, ICBC may terminate your optional coverage and have a bailiff claim the active licence plates from all of your vehicles which would invalidate the basic insurance coverage on these vehicles. You can avoid the termination of your insurance by paying in full the outstanding balance due. When you pay in full, you have the option at that time to cancel the remainder of your insurance policy term.
Where can I pay overdue balances?
Payment plan overdue balances can only be paid at an Autoplan broker's office. The payment must be paid by cash, debit card, credit card, certified cheque or money order.
If there's a default on your payment plan, or two returned cheques within two years, you will be on a "cash-only basis" for at least one year and won't be able to use our payment plan. After one year, you may be eligible for six-month financing. Once you successfully complete the six-month financing, you may be eligible for our payment plan.
My account
Where can I pay?
There are three convenient ways to pay:
1. Mail your remittance slip with a cheque or money order payable to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia to:
ICBC Revenue Accounting
151 West Esplanade
North Vancouver BC V7M 3H9
2. You can also mail the remittance slip with your Visa, MasterCard or American Express information, including your signature, to the address above.
3. Payment can be made at full service ATMs where you do your regular banking. You can also take the enclosed remittance slip with your payment to most Canadian banks, trust companies or credit unions.
Take the remittance slip and payment to one of the following offices anywhere in B.C.:
Autoplan broker
By appointment at any ICBC driver licensing office
Driver licensing agent
Service BC centre
Criminal Code fines must be paid at a court location.
How can I pay?
If you are paying by mail, please pay by credit card, cheque or money order. Please do not mail cash.
If you are paying in person, cash, certified cheques or money orders will be accepted. Autoplan brokers, driver licensing offices and driver licensing agents also accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and debit cards.
How long will it take for a payment to be reflected on my account?
If you make a payment at an Autoplan broker, driver licensing office, Service BC centre or driver licensing agent, the payment will be reflected on your account within 24 hours.
Mail and bank payments require processing time of about two weeks. If you need to renew your driver's licence or require vehicle insurance within two weeks, you should make your payment in guaranteed funds at an Autoplan broker, driver licensing office, Service BC centre or driver licensing agent.
Will I get a receipt for my payment?
If you make a payment in person with guaranteed funds, you will be issued a receipt.
If you pay by mail, your cancelled cheque will serve as proof of payment.
Receipts from ATM machines are not acceptable as proof of payment.
Received a ticket?
I've received a ticket but it's not mine. What can I do?
Go to any driver licensing office, Service BC centre or driver licensing agent in B.C. They can provide you with information and help you make a driver impersonation claim.
What are driver penalty premiums?
Some motor vehicle violations carry driver penalty points. You pay Driver Penalty Point (DPP) premiums if you:
Are guilty of driving offences under the Motor Vehicle Act or its Regulations, or
Have certain Criminal Code of Canada convictions, like driving while impaired
The DPP premium is based on your recent driving offences, and is separate from any fine or other penalty for the offence(s).
You pay a Driver Risk Premium (DRP) if you have:
One or more Criminal Code driving-related convictions, and/or
10-point Motor Vehicle Act convictions, and/or
One or more excessive speeding tickets, and/or
Two or more roadside suspensions/prohibitions
Starting March 1, 2018, you'll also pay a Driver Risk Premium if you have two or more convictions for using an electronic device while driving.
The DRP is assessed and calculated based on your offences over a three-year period, and applies to offences that occur on or after Jan. 1, 2008.
Both DRP and DPP premium programs will operate in parallel. You will only be billed under one program each year, whichever results in the higher premium.
The DPP premium and DRP are separate from Autoplan insurance premiums. You will be billed even if you don't own or insure a vehicle.
You may reduce the amount owed by voluntarily surrendering your driver's licence to a driver licensing office for a minimum of 30 days within the 12 months following your birthday of that billing period. The amount owed will be prorated by the amount of time you surrender your licence within that year. For example, if you owe $1,000 and surrender your licence for six months, the amount remaining will be about $500 plus interest. Your driver's licence will be reissued at any time during the billing period if you pay the reduced amount and a licence fee.
What will happen if I don't pay?
Depending on what type of debt you owe, you may not be able to apply for or renew your driver's licence, or obtain vehicle insurance until you make payment in full. As well, your debt may be reported to a credit reporting agency and your Optional insurance may be cancelled.
More information
Please refer to your invoice for the applicable telephone number and operating hours of the department that can help answer your questions.
ICBC administers and collects motor vehicle and licensing related debt on behalf of the Provincial Government. If there is any difference between this information and your financing agreement or any B.C. legislation, then the terms of the financing agreement or the legislation will prevail.
The rules for quarterly payment processing are slightly different. For more information, please contact ICBC Account Services at 604-661-2723 or 1-800-665-6442.