Disability discount
Vehicle owners and lessees whose mobility is permanently impaired may qualify for a 25 percent discount off the cost of Basic Autoplan.
Who's eligible?
Our disability discount is available to a vehicle's registered owner, joint owner or lessee who's 16 years of age or older and is a "person with disabilities" as defined in the Motor Fuel Tax Act. As of May 1, 2022, the discount will also be available to those with ownership interest in a vehicle.
A "person with disabilities" is someone who has one of the following disabilities or who qualifies under one of the following programs:
You have lost a limb.
You are permanently dependent on a wheelchair.
You have complete and permanent functional loss of the lower limbs.
Your doctor or nurse practitioner certifies that you have permanent impairment of movement or a mental disability to the extent that it would be hazardous for you to use public transportation (whether or not public transportation is available).
Your doctor or nurse practitioner certifies that you have permanent sight impairment to the extent that you are not eligible to hold a B.C. driver's licence.
You have received a letter from Veterans Affairs Canada showing you receive 100% disability pension from active service (includes civilians who service in support) and the date you began receiving the pension.
You receive disability assistance from the Ministry of Social Development, or you would receive assistance but do not qualify because you are 65 years old or older.
If you no longer qualify to receive disability assistance or a supplement from the Ministry of Social Development, please contact the Ministry of Finance, as this may affect your eligibility for the Fuel Tax Refund Program.
If you're a "person with disabilities" whose vehicle is rated for pleasure use, to and from work, business use, or certain recreational or commercial uses, you may qualify for the discount. You can apply the disability discount to only one vehicle.
If you're a disabled senior citizen, you may receive both the senior citizens' savings and the disability discount if you're eligible. Ask your local Autoplan broker for details.
How can I apply for this discount?
Before you apply, you need to register with the Ministry of Finance for the Fuel Tax Refund Program for Persons with Disabilities.
Once your application has been approved, take the following to your local Autoplan broker to apply for the disability discount:
Registration letter showing both the designated vehicle and your Fuel Tax Refund Program for Persons with Disabilities FDR account number (Fuel Disability Refund nnnn-nnnn) provided to you by the Ministry of Finance
Owner's certificate of insurance
Vehicle licence documents
What about fee discounts for vehicle registration and licensing?
If you are a veteran who lost a limb or is in receipt of a 100 per cent disability pension through active service in the Canadian Armed Forces in any war then you qualify for a vehicle registration and vehicle licence fee exemption.
If you qualify, the exemption can apply for any one motor vehicle and for one trailer that you own, lease or use. The vehicle does not have to be registered in your name. Ask your Autoplan broker for details when you go to register, license and insure the vehicle. Be sure to bring vehicle documentation, and if you are a veteran with a 100 per cent disability pension also bring a letter of verification from the Canadian Pension Commission.
Where can I get an application?
Applications to register for the Fuel Tax Refund Program for Persons with Disabilities are available from the Ministry of Finance. For specific details or to download the application, go to Goverment of B.C. website or call the Taxpayer Services information line at 1-877-388-4440.
Is the disability discount retroactive?
You can check to see if you're eligible to receive the disability discount retroactively. To apply for the retroactive discount, you must provide your Autoplan broker with a confirmation letter from the Ministry of Finance stating you're registered for the Fuel Tax Refund Program for Persons with Disabilities and the effective date of your qualification in the program. Upon receiving this information, we will adjust your Autoplan premiums if applicable and send you a refund for the backdated disability discount.